Hashtag Horse is a resource dedicated to answering your horse-related questions from the mouth of a well-educated veterinarian and horse owner, Dr. Jess.
You can’t always trust what you read on the internet – and much of what is out there about horses is not entirely true!”
Dr. Jess
The articles you will find on this site are all written from the hands of Doc Jess herself.
Any recommendations are personal recommendations from Dr. Jess herself.
Hashtag Horse:
This website is an educational resource and is in no capacity a replacement for seeking veterinary care.
If your pet is in need of veterinary care or support, please contact your local veterinarian immediately.
About Dr. Jess:
Welcome! So glad that you stopped by!
I am Dr. Jess, a licensed veterinarian living in the Northern Atlanta, GA suburbs.
Currently I am teaching veterinary medicine at a school in my community, while also contributing to this website as well as it’s sister site, Vet Explains Pets, a website dedicated to answering small animal pet questions.
I have two older Boston Terriers dogs – Pipsqueak and Thelma, and a grey Arabian gelding named Scuba – whom I pretend to practice the art of dressage on.